Prithvi has more than 8 years of experience in equity research and corporate finance. At Unifi, he manages the company’s flagship Blended Rangoli. In addition, he also tracks investment opportunities across Consumption, Oil & Gas, and Infrastructure sectors. Prior to this, he has worked as an analyst at a boutique investment bank during which he handled the corporate finance transactions for infrastructure projects. Prithvi holds an MBA degree from the Great Lakes Institute of Management, and he is an Electronics and Communication Engineer
The Blended Portfolio Strategy is targeted at individuals who
have a relatively longer term horizon and seek a passive style
of investing which relies on the fund manager’s discretion of
choosing the best opportunities from UNIFI’s thematic fund
universe in a dynamically changing investment universe
Investment Approach
Investments under this fund will be cherry picked from across the
portfolio of companies that Unifi manages across each of the 6
distinct funds it manages. In effect, the endeavor is to be able to
identify the “the best of the best”. This fund aims in cutting down the
investors switching cost and effort in migrating between best
opportunities at any diverse point of time.