What was Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup share price previously?
Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup share price was down by -4.39% from the previous closing price of ₹240.55.
Who are peers of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup?
The peers of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup are Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd, Divis Laboratories Ltd, Cipla Ltd, Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd, Mankind Pharma Ltd, Lupin Ltd.
Who is/are the promoter/promoters of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup?
The promotor/promotors of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup are
What has been 52-week high of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup stocks?
The highest price of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup stock is ₹554.95 in the last 52-week.
What is the share price of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP) today on NSE?
As on Mar 17, 2025, Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP)’s share price on NSE is Rs 230
What is the market cap of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP?)
The current market capitalisation of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP) is 288.63 crores
What is Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup Share symbol?
The symbol of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup is SOLARAPP.
What is the PE ratio of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP)?
The current PE ratio of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP) is 0.00.
What is the PB ratio of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP)?
The current PB ratio of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP) is 1.83.
Today’s High & Low share prices of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP) on NSE?
Today, the share price of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP) on NSE touched a high of Rs 252.15 and a low of Rs 228.55
What price did Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP) shares open on the NSE today?
On NSE, the share price of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP) opened at Rs 240.55
What is the 52-week high of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP)?
The 52-week high price of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP) is Rs 554.95
What is the 52-week low of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP) ?
The 52-week low price of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP) is Rs 200