The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has refused to accept any conditions that the ministry of petroleum and natural gas or
Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) wants to impose on the
performance audit of the production-sharing
contract of the Krishna-Godavari (KG)D6 Basin gas field.
Sources say the CAG has made it clear to the ministry that the performance audit of the production-sharing contract is covered under Section 16 of the CAG's (DPC) Act as profit from petroleum is a non-tax revenue credited to the consolidated fund of India, and such audit would involve examination of all records including those of the operator (RIL).
RIL is reluctant to allow the CAG to access all its records and the ministry had veered around the view that the CAG should restrict its audit merely to the accounts related to the development of the field and not go into the operational aspects of the field. However, the CAG has stated that "Section 16 of the DPC Act gives the CAG unfettered right of access to all records required for such audit and would override any conditions sought to be imposed on our audit process".
The CAG has also stated that audit would be conducted on the same lines as done earlier for the accounts of 2007-08. RIL had tried to resist the earlier audit as well. The CAG, in its scrutiny, has found serious irregularities in huge contracts given out by RIL for developing the giant KG Basin gas field and wants the government to "review in depth" as many as 10 major contracts valued at around $2.2 billion. As many as eight of these contracts have gone to the Aker Group of companies on a single financial bid.
Aker Floating Production, which bagged a $ 1.1-billion contract, was incorporated only on March 14, 2006, after RIL's invitation of expression of intent in January 2006. The CAG had also indicted the ministry and the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons for allowing RIL to retain the entire 7,645 sq km in the KG Basin block and not surrendering the 50 per cent unexplored block. A further audit will have to be now carried out for the period after 2008.
Courtesy: Mail Today