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Delhi Metro ranked second best Metro system globally

Delhi Metro ranked second best Metro system globally

An online survey on customer satisfaction has put the Delhi Metro among the top three Metro networks along with those in London and Bangkok.

(Photo: Associated Press) (Photo: Associated Press)

Notwithstanding frequent glitches and overcrowding, the Delhi Metro has emerged as the second most popular Metro network in the world; ahead of Paris, Madrid, Hong Kong, Singapore and others.

An online survey on customer satisfaction has put the Delhi Metro among the top three Metro networks along with those in London and Bangkok.

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The survey was conducted by Global Metro Benchmarking Groups NOVA and CoMET to access overall customer satisfaction across 18 international Metro systems.

More than 41,000 respondents from around the world gave their feedback in this survey, links of which were widely distributed through the Internet from April 28 to May 25.

The Metro systems that participated in this survey were the Delhi Metro, Hong Kong MTR, London Underground, Metro De Madrid, Paris RATP, Metro De Sandiago, Singapore SMRT, Barcelona TMB, Brussels STIB, Bangkok BMCL, London DLR, Istanbul Ulasim, Kuala Lumpur Rapid PL, Metropolitano De Lisboa, Montreal STM, Newcastle Nexus, Metro Rio and Toronto TTC.

According to the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, the respondents gave most priority to 'availability' of the Delhi Metro, while 'reliability' was the key factor in New Castle and Hong Kong.

"The survey was conducted as per the European Norm 13816 and the areas covered were availability, accessibility, information, reliability, customer care, comfort, crowding, and security," Delhi Metro spokesperson Anuj Dayal said.

Published on: Sep 29, 2014, 10:42 AM IST