The Planning Commission is likely to table the Approach Paper to the 12th Plan before the Prime Minister on Saturday, seeking to raise India's economic
growth rate to 9-9.5 per cent during the five-year period beginning April 2012.
"The Approach Paper to the 12th Plan (2012-17) is likely to be placed before the Prime Minister on August 20 at his residence," a source privy to the development said.
As the full Planning Commission, headed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, had in its meeting in April this year entrusted the panel with the task of finalising the document, the source said, it would be submitted directly to the Prime Minister's Office.
RBI-sponsored survey lowers growth forecast The Approach Paper provides a broad framework of the government policy to be pursued in the five-year period to achieve the desired growth rate.
The document will be placed before the Union Cabinet for consideration before being taken up for discussion and final approval by the country's highest policy-making body - the National Development Council (NDC).
Industrial growth at 8.8% in June The NDC, which is headed by the Prime Minister, comprises Union ministers and state Chief Ministers. The Plan panel has already completed regional discussions with state Chief Ministers earlier this month.
The last such consultation was held in the first week of July with northeastern states, including Assam, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur. The Commission earlier held discussions with the Chief Ministers of states falling in the North, East, South and West regions.