Leaderspeak with Rohinton 'ronnie' Screwvala
The Founding Chairman and CEO of UTV Group Rohinton 'ronnie' Screwvala talks about what works for him.

My leadership style
The political leader I admire the most
Nelson Mandela
The leadership lesson I remember best
All glory is fleeting, and lead from thefront
Just say the words out loud and the answerlies there
All good managers are good leaders
- As told to Anusha Subramanian
The political leader I admire the most
Nelson Mandela
The leadership lesson I remember best
All glory is fleeting, and lead from thefront
A book/movie I would recommend onleadership
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying bySogyal Rinpoche
Just say the words out loud and the answerlies there
All good managers are good leaders
- As told to Anusha Subramanian