Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder of the widely-used Telegram messaging app, has forecasted a monumental milestone for the platform, suggesting it will likely exceed one billion active monthly users within the coming year. Speaking to U.S. journalist Tucker Carlson in an interview shared on the X social media platform, Durov described Telegram's growth as akin to a "forest fire".
Since its inception, Telegram has surged in popularity, now boasting 900 million active users globally. Durov, who fully owns the platform, remains steadfast in his commitment to maintaining Telegram as a "neutral platform", free from geopolitical influence despite pressures from certain governments.
The genesis of Telegram traces back to Durov's tenure in Russia, where he faced mounting pressure to compromise his principles. Refusing to bow to governmental demands, Durov left Russia in 2014, subsequently establishing Telegram in Dubai. He has since navigated challenges, including false rumours about the platform's ties to Russia and attempts by competitors to stifle Telegram's growth.
Highlighting Telegram's pivotal role during times of conflict, particularly amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Durov underscored the platform's significance as a conduit for unfiltered information.
Yet, challenges persist beyond geopolitical spheres. Durov pointed to tech giants like Apple and Google as formidable opponents in the realm of freedom of speech, citing their ability to censor content on smartphones and exert control over app distribution.
In his quest for autonomy, Durov has found solace in the United Arab Emirates, hailing the nation as a "neutral country" conducive to fostering a platform free from external influence. Telegram, he asserted, serves as a medium for the exchange of diverse ideas, devoid of bias.
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