Cartoon of the Day: Nirmala Sitharaman is new FM and other jokes!


Cartoon of the Day: Nirmala Sitharaman is new FM and other jokes!

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "Did someone just land with a fighterjet? " | Nirmala Sitharaman becomes finance minister

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "I, swear in the name of God that I wouldget out of the election mode and get back to daily routine."

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "I heard he is more likely to include newfaces in the cabinet!"

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "Someone invited the Chief Risk Officerto discuss the growth strategy!"

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "Are you sure those guys were from ED?"

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "We didn't do very well this year. One ofyou might have to resign."

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "Don't worry! The silent voters are withus." "NAMO again"

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "Chotu, Rotlu, Golu, Bewada, Bhukkad,Jeeju, Rinki ke Papa, what are we supposed to do with this data?"| Truecaller data available for sale

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "Such low confidence in your data! Youare sounding like a safe-o-logist!"

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "This is not my opinion. It's anexhaustive exit poll result with sample size one."

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "The agenda for this meeting is to conveythat we held a meeting."

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "It's OK! They have resolved theirdispute."

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "And this is where we found a tool tobypass anti-spam software!"

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "We need a CEO with superpowers. Do youhave superpowers?"

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "Damn these tariffs!"

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "Great quarterly result, eh!"

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "Customer trust has gone through the roofever since we started lying about our product!"

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "And here I broke down the numbers tosimplify them further."

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "We are going to rule this street if wemerge. What do you say?"

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "These are just one-rupee coins! I knewsomething was wrong when he said he would invest an undisclosed amount."

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "And next we have, 'Slowdown Blues' bythe 'Out of Jobs Boyz'!"

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "There is already job scarcity. I don'twant to put extra pressure on the govt."

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "Business class? Bankrupt ornon-bankrupt?"

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "This is our real profit and that's theprojected one!"

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "Yes, you can get the party ticket forelection but there is no chance of anymovie tickets for Avengers Endgame!"

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "Don't worry, it's a career jump!"

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "A roadshow for an IPO. Now, that's afirst."

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "Ravi, you didn't have to get measles toget my attention!"

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "Apna time aayega."

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "He hired a hedge fund manager as apolitical consultant. Now, he is in Congress, his wife is in SP, his son in BJPand his son-in-law in AAP."

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: Yes, we have a Department of Hypnosis, butthat doesn't mean I am a control freak.

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: Hi, I support the ruling party. If you supportthe opposition, both of us can go home now without affecting the results in anyway.

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "I'm afraid we can no longer keep using NOTA for electing our captain."

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: He wants to vote too. Says, it's his countryas well.

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: 'Bhabi ji ghar par hai' explains political alliances.

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "But, you said that you are fine withworking on weekends!"" Oh that! That was an 'interview jumla'."

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: It breaks my heart to know that you aremissing the election coverage. A TV set and a dish antenna are on theirway.

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: I love food delivery apps! Now we won't haveto go to Dalit homes for dinner this election.

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: The department of promises

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Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: Would you still want my vote if I told youthat every candidate I voted for lost the election? | Game Theory and Voting