Renault India on Thursday
reported two-fold increase in sales in July at 3,763 units from 1,776 units in the same period of previous year.
Despite challenging conditions in the automotive market, Renault India achieved sales of 3,763 units in July 2013, growing over two fold year on year, Renault India said in a statement.
"Renault has had a very eventful two years in India, achieving sales volumes, network reach and brand visibility comparable to players who have been present in the industry for more than a decade," Renault India Managing Director Marc Nassif said.
Renault India sold a total of 3,763 units in July, with the Duster accounting for 3,089 units, the Scala 371 units, Pulse 292 units, Fluence 10 units and Koleos 1 unit.
"Duster has played a crucial part not just in Renault's success in India, but also in spearheading the changing landscape of the Indian automotive industry," Renault India Executive Director, Marketing and Sales Sumit Sawhney said.