The turnover of 23 commodity exchanges rose 55 per cent to Rs 56.70 lakh crore till October 15 this financial year over the same period last year, according to the Forward Markets Commission (FMC).
In the same year-ago period, commexes had registered a turnover of Rs 36.59 lakh crore, the market regulator FMC said on its website.
Most of the business came from futures trading in bullion followed by metals, energy and agri-commodities, it said.
According to FMC the turnover from bullion trade jumped 80 per cent to Rs 24.83 lakh crore till October 15 this financial year, against Rs 13.80 lakh crore a year-ago.
The business from metals like copper increased 70 per cent to Rs 13.95 lakh crore, from Rs 8.19 lakh crore a year-ago.
Turnover from energy items rose 29 per cent to Rs 11.39 lakh crore and from agricultural items 14 per cent to Rs 6.51 lakh crore during the period under review, it said.
FMC, which releases data every fortnight, said during October 1-15, overall turnover of four national commodity exchanges and 19 regional bourses rose 68 per cent to Rs 4.97 lakh crore, against Rs 2.95 lakh crore in the same period last year.
Among national commodity bourses, MCX made maximum business of Rs 4.30 lakh crore int he reviewed period, followed by NCDEX at Rs 45,887 crore, ICEX at RS 14,498 crore and NMCE at Rs 3,914 crore.