Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) and the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) will jointly carry out projects for the production of
renewable solar power in Delhi Metro premises.
In a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the two organisations on Tuesday, both will collaborate for the development of Solar PV (Photovoltaic) Projects (ground mounted, rooftop and other possible modes) at identified DMRC sites for the production of solar energy.
A pilot project of 500 kWp rooftop grid connected Solar PV Project will be installed at one of the identified rooftops of the Delhi Metro stations.
The two organisations will also explore possibility of developing of another site(s) where Solar PV Plant can be set up.
In order to carry out these projects, DMRC and SECI will constitute a Joint Development Team (JDT) which will consist of senior officials from both the organisations.
"The production of solar power through this MOU will help DMRC partially fulfil its energy requirements as well as reduce carbon footprints," a DMRC spokesperson said.
Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) is a not-for-profit company under the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, with the objective of developing Solar Technologies and
solar power plants in the country.
Earlier, M/s GIZ, a federal enterprise of the Government of Germany, actively supported DMRC's solar initiative under its COMSOLAR programme meant to facilitate International Co-operation for sustainable development.
Delhi Metro has already taken up a slew of measures oriented towards the conservation of environment and the use of renewable means of energy.
In 2011, DMRC was certified by the United Nations (UN) as the first Metro Rail and Rail based system in the world to get carbon Credits for reducing Green House Gas Emissions as it has helped to reduce pollution levels in the city by 6.3 lakh tons every year thus helping in reducing global warming.
DMRC's first CDM project on regenerative braking had also achieved many international firsts apart from earning valuable foreign exchange for the country.