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Tata seeks status quo on future work on Singur land

Tata seeks status quo on future work on Singur land

Tata Motors Ltd on Friday pleaded before the Calcutta High Court for a workable solution for a status quo in any further work on the Singur land, which the state has vested, till the case is heard out.

Tata Motors Ltd on Friday pleadedbefore the Calcutta High Court for a workable solution for a status quo in anyfurther work on the Singur land, which the state has vested, till the case isheard out.

Appearing for Tata Motors Ltd (TML), counsel Samaraditya Palsubmitted before Justice Soumitra Pal that since it has lost possession of landat Singur, for such time that the court hears the petition, status quo bemaintained.

He submitted that the reason for the prayer was mediareports that some guidelines were being formed for distribution of the landvested by the government vide the Singur Land Rehabilitation and DevelopmentAct 2011.

Pal prayed that a workable solution be reached to ensurestatus quo at Singur where 997 acres of land was acquired for the Tata Motor'sNano plant and ancillary units. TML shifted the plant to Gujaratin October, 2008.

Asked by Justice Pal if he would like to discuss the issuewith the TML counsel, West Bengal Advocate General Anindya Mitra, in response,said he would look into the proposal over the weekend as such issues could notbe talked about in a few minutes.

While TML had a lease over 645 acres of land, the rest was for ancillary industries and other purposes.

Published on: Jun 24, 2011, 6:47 PM IST