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Here’s how to add or change nominee in your Mutual Fund: Check steps

Here’s how to add or change nominee in your Mutual Fund: Check steps

SEBI has mandated that all current folios, including those held jointly, either select someone or choose not to nominate anyone.

New portfolios can be created only after you register your nomination New portfolios can be created only after you register your nomination

Mutual fund services have been available for quite a long time now, and the Indian mutual fund industry has long encouraged investor nominations for mutual fund holdings. This month, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), which regulates the capital markets, made it mandatory for mutual fund investors to either nominate someone or opt out.

The regulation went into effect for new folios on October 1, 2022. Let us know how to nominate someone for your MF investment. Following the untimely death of an investor, the nomination feature allows the person or people chosen to receive the benefits of investments.

On application forms, a column for nominating candidates has always been there. Intelligent and cautious investors have designated loved ones to ensure a smooth transfer of assets after their death. They are also prudent when it comes to mutual funds. For folios of single names, one needs to file a nomination which is the utmost thing to do.

SEBI, on the other hand, has mandated that all current folios, including those held jointly, either select someone or choose not to nominate anyone. If existing folio investors violate this rule, their investments will be frozen and they will be unable to conduct transactions in them. The deadline for nominating a candidate is March 31, 2023.

New portfolios can be created only after you register your nomination or decline to do so.

Here’s how to add a nominee- Check steps here:

Paper accounts, also known as accounts with an investor's wet signature, are thought to be in compliance with the rules if the investor officially signed the application form and specifically designated a nominee or opted out.

They can still do so if they haven't already by performing these steps below: 

  • First and foremost thing is that one should fill out the nomination form.
  • Then sign on the form.
  • Hand it over to the mutual fund company or the registrar and transfer agency (RTA).

Check your mutual fund statement if you have an online investment account. Check to see if your folios have been nominated. Two-factor authentication can be used to complete the rest of the process.

Also Read: FPIs and Mutual Funds increase their shareholding stakes in Paytm

Published on: Oct 27, 2022, 6:04 PM IST