Facebook Inc CEO Mark Zuckerberg kicked off a cross-country roadshow on Monday to promote the
social network's $10 billion initial public offering.
The 27-year-old CEO of the company also took questions about Facebook's slowing revenue growth and its recent acquisitions, including the $1 billion Instagram deal.
Hundreds of investors thronged the Sheraton Hotel in Manhattan watched by police and clipboard-carrying staffers, a stark contrast to the dull nature of the average investor IPO presentation.
Facebook aims to raise about $10.6 billion, dwarfing the coming-out parties of tech companies like Google Inc and granting it a market value of up to $96 billion - rivaling Amazon.com Inc's.
It is said that the the upcoming IPO of the social networking giant could make
Mark Zuckerberg pay in taxes as much as $903 million (about Rs 5,000 crore).
The company that turned the social Web into a cultural and business phenomenon, is
worth as much as $95 billion , according to the price range for its upcoming initial public offering of stock.
Facebook's IPO, expected in a couple of weeks, would be the biggest ever for an Internet company. Facebook disclosed the price range of $28 to $35 per share in a regulatory filing on Thursday.
With agency inputs