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You can exchange pre-2005 currency notes at any bank

You can exchange pre-2005 currency notes at any bank

You can walk into any bank to get your pre-2005 currency notes exchanged till January 1, 2015, following a Reserve Bank of India (RBI) directive asking banks to help the public get rid of old currency notes.

You can walk into any bank to get your pre-2005 currency notes, including Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 denominations, exchanged till January 1, 2015, following a Reserve Bank of India (RBI) directive asking banks to help the public get rid of old currency notes.

RBI has decided to withdraw the pre-2005 currency notes from circulation and asked the holders of such currency to exchange them by January 1, 2015.

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In the recently released FAQs, the central bank said: "Banks have been advised to freely provide this exchange facility to all members of public, whether customer or non-customer."

The earlier deadline was June 30. Thereafter, people would have had to produce identity proof to exchange more than 10 notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000.

In its latest communication, RBI has said there is no such restriction on the number of pieces that can be exchanged. "Banks have been advised to freely exchange these notes till January 1, 2015."

It has also clarified that the public "can continue to freely use these notes (pre-2005)" for transactions and can unhesitatingly receive these notes in payment as all such notes remain legal tender.

Banks have been advised to stop re-issue of the pre-2005 series notes over the counters/through ATMs. The banks have been asked to forward the pre-2005 notes to RBI.

RBI said it will monitor and review the withdrawal and exchange process so that the public is not inconvenienced in any manner.

At present, currency notes are issued in denominations of Rs 5, Rs 10, Rs 20, Rs 50, Rs 100, Rs 500 and Rs 1,000. Earlier, the RBI had withdrawn a certain series of currency notes at the bank level but bearers were not asked to get them replaced.

It is easy to identify pre-2005 notes, as the currency notes issued before 2005 do not have the year of printing on the reverse side. In the notes issued after 2005, the year of printing is visible at the bottom of the reverse side.

Post-2005 notes have added security features and help in curbing the menace of fake currency.

Published on: Mar 17, 2014, 3:48 PM IST